We’re All About Balance!

Balance within yourself and the natural world.

That’s how we define “Sustainability”!


Living Sustainability .

Choices Now For A Better Future.

Living Sustainability . Choices Now For A Better Future.


All Your Sustainable Needs Here!

Choice Era is a ‘one-stop-shop’ for all your environmental needs. Check out our Terms of Service!

What are the benefits of Eco-friendly products?

  • Eco-friendly products can be pricey but have you considered calculating the purchase price, item useable and how long the item last you?

    I think you’ll be surprised when you find out it works out cheaper and you save money.

  • Zero.

    Is the lifestyle products department that provides healthy and sustainable alternative products.

    Faultless Chaos

    Is our clothing line. We focus on ethical, organic and recycled fabrics, with low-impact production. We’re doing our part to reduce the negative impact of the textiles industry.

    Our goal is to provide affordable-conscious products for all individuals. To promote a sustainable lifestyle for all. You don’t have to overthink your environmental impact, because we’ve done it for you.

    We research sustainability-sourced, environmentally friendly, and ethical products to provide for you.

    We’ll focus on providing:

    -Lifestyle Products

    -Grocery Shop

    -Toy Shop

    -Clothing Line

    Enjoy a guilt-free shopping experience!

  • The main point of environmentally friendly products is that they are better for the planet. They can also carry positive social justice effects.

    Using more of these products can change the quality of the products our society provides and the health of you & your loved ones.


The season of transformation! Spring holds a special place in the heart of Choice. Spring is a time for wonderful change and full of possibilities. As a prime time for nature season, it’s the best time of year to discover all the natural world has to offer. Here are some strategies you can try to maximise this season;

  • Seed Starting

    • Maybe you’ve started already! If you haven’t, get your seeds in the ground. Now is the best time to prep for your Spring plants. When setting up your garden, remember to include some plants for the pollinators and eco-friendly pesticides or herbicides. Companion planting and natural fertilizers can be helpful instead.

  • Self-Maintance

    • During the winter season, we took time to Reflect. Spring is the time for action and testing!! Any changes you reflected on, put them in action now and amend as needed. Spend this season being free and “filling up” your cup as much as you need. Spring is full of so much growth and potential, use it all to your advantage.

  • All About Nature

    • Spring is the best time of year to get out and in nature! Walk, Explore, Get Lost & Adventure! We hope you stumble upon many magical spots. Use this season to admire and thank our plant friends for how much they provide. Allow them to flourish and thrive in whatever way they need to.

Always practice small changes & safe fun!

Spring Into Things!

Come with Us,

into a Greener future.

What we’re up to!

See what’s been happening!

Recent Events

Shop This Holiday

Shop with us at the market, and receive a special surprise.

Think Before you shop this year!

What did you give away?

Shop is available now!!

Register for this webinar now!

Our sustainable clothing line has launched! A two year project we want to share with you.

Click the image to listen to the podcast!

Helping You Give

Gifting is all about thought and making it personal to show you care. We have a guide to keep you on track for how ever you choose to get your gift.

Plants or items to help plant always make wonderful eco gifts as well. The tips and tricks in the guide are interchangeable but this is a starting blueprint.


Our Recommendations

Bi-monthly content that we suggest, to open your mind and help you make positive changes.

Click here for our Archive recommendations.


The Video


This documentary is a powerful look behind the fashion industry! I encourage you to take care of yourself while watching.

It could be easy to disregard and avoid the realities of the impacts. Slay is a clean punch in the gut to why individuals are working so hard to stop the fast fashion industry. It brings all the facts and emotions.

Stream on the Waterbear Network! https://www.waterbear.com/watch/slay

The Product


Compost that fits on your counter. Simple, convenient and easy to use. No more excess food waste. Lomi turns any objects that are safe to compost, into rich soil.

Click the image to go to their website.

The Reading

Where Social Justice & Environmentalism intersect.

Many of the environmental issues that are highlighted, have social justice implications and effect disadvantaged communities. It’s time to highlight & take action towards the systems that are behind the cause off the environmental and societal issues.

Click the image for the link.

Connect Through Instagram.

The Podcast Is Available Now!!

Stream The Era of Conversation wherever you listen to your podcast or on the website !